Christina`s - Confirmation - 2001

Our son-in-law, Niels, our daughter, Helle, and our grandchildren.


Camilla`s - Confirmation - 2003


Camilla - 18 year - 2007 - Mom/Helle - Christina 21 year - 2007


Our son-in-law - Niels - 2007


Our great-grandchild - Alberte - 29.05.08


Our grandchild
Christina and her common-law husband
Jimmi and their daughter Alberte.


Our great-grandchild - Alberte - August - 2009


Our great-grandchild - Alberte - 2 year - 29. May 2010


Our granddaughter Christina got married to Jimmy.

Alderslyst Church - Silkeborg

Banquet - Dinner, "Salten Borgerhus".

07. August 2010

Niels follows his daughter to the altar. Camilla and Alberte were bridesmaids.
(Alberte was shy and refused to go in front of all these people).

Coach driving through town. Then photographer.

Alberte outside the church - after the wedding.

"Salten Borgerhus". (96 guests)

From Silkeborg to "Salten" (10km) in vintage car - Citroen .

Christina & Jimmi


A new "Little Brother" has seen the light.
29.09.2011 - kl. 20.11
Weight 3580 grams and 53 centimeters.

Christina and Jimmi has now give Alberte - 3 years -
a cute little brother and she is very happy and proud.

The happy and proud Great Grandparents.

Lillebror er den 15.01.2012 døbt i Alderslyst kirke.
Hans navn blev NIKLAS.

Niklas 8 month Maj 2012               Alberte 4 year May 2012

Niklas 2 year September 2013              Alberte 5 year May 2013

Niklas 3 year September 2014              Alberte 6 year May 2014

Alberte 7 year May 2015

Niklas 4 year September 2015

(Unfortunately, Christina and Jimmi are
gone apart, and now live as
share parents).

Alberte 8 year May 2016

Niklas 5 year September 2016

Alberte 9 year Maj 2017


Niklas 6 year September 2017

Alberte 10 year Maj 2018


Niklas 7 year September 2018


Alberte 11 year Maj 2019


Niklas 8 år September 2019


Alberte 12 År Maj 2020


Niklas 9 år September 2020


Alberte 13År Maj 2021


Niklas 10 år September 2021



Our grandchild Camilla (29 years) and her partner
Kasper has enriched us with our greatgrandchild
number three.

Clara was born on 09.06.2018,
and baptized in Alderslyst church Silkeborg
on 09.09.2018.

Velkommen til verden Clara.

Camilla og Kasper.

Camilla`s Mor og Far.

Kasper`s Mor og Far.

Os - Oldemor og Oldefar.


Our great-grandchild Clara 1 år 09.06.2018


Vores oldebarn Clara 2 år 09.06.2019


Vores oldebarn Clara 3 år 09.06.2020


Our granddaughter Camilla got married to Kasper Biel.

Alderslyst Church - Silkeborg

Banquet - Dinner, "Resenbrohuset".

07. September 2019




We are very happy and grateful 
for the close relationship we share 
with our daughter, son-in-law, our 
grandchildren, and our great-grandchild.


Niels work as a diesel motor mechanic 
at a bus compagny in Silkeborg
, until the compagny
get financial problems and close.
Now he work as
 independent mechanic.
He have a fine garage in both Grauballe
and Øster Bording.
(8 km. from there private house).


Our daugher Helle is a nurce.
In 2010 she became leader of sterile
department at Horsens hospital.



Our grandchild - Christina
are home care assistent.

Our grandchild -
Camilla are
doctor secretary at
university hospital in Århus.

See more photos in the Picture Gallery.


 We meant for this page to contain both pictures 
and references to all of our family 
and all our beautiful friends. 
But because we are fortunate enough 
to have a great number of both 
it would become far too confusing 
and take up too much space. 

For those who are interested go to:

The Picture Gallery.
